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Best Antivirus Software Review

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At Top 10 Antivirus we ve sorted through hundreds of different programs to find only the best antivirus and security programs available.

We ve narrowed it down to the 10 best antivirus programs. Having the best antivirus and security software is now more important than ever. Are you protected.

The worst viruses and malware will steal your personal information, bank or credit card data, or use your computer for illegal activities, such as running scams or hosting pornography.

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With viruses becoming more and more dangerous every day, it has never been more important to look for a good antivirus program. However, with so many different antivirus programs on the market, you may be stuck wondering which one would work best for you.

That s where we can help: our antivirus software reviews provide an accurate, unbiased comparison of some of the leading programs on the market. While some programs are clear and obvious winners, others are useless and overpriced. Knowing the difference can help you save hundreds of dollars in computer repair costs.

Viruses and malware can cause all sorts of different problems for your system. The most dangerous ones can steal your identity and banking information, draining your accounts before you have time to realize that something is wrong. They do this by using complex phishing scams – which create fake websites that look identical to your real online bank – or through installing malicious keyloggers, among other things.

Other forms of malware are no less serious. They can decrease the speed of your computer and impact your performance in all sorts of different ways. They clog up your internet s bandwidth and even steal passwords to your social media accounts.

Some hackers will even use your computer to host illegal files. If your internet has seemed slow lately, or if your browser is not responding as quickly as it used to, then your computer may have a virus. Some types of malware will also try to exploit security holes in specific applications, like Microsoft Office programs or Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Put simply, there are so many different ways a virus can mess up your computer, and if your system isn t already protected with good antivirus software, then it could already be infected. With that in mind, there has never been a better time to start looking for antivirus programs.   

The importance of finding good antivirus software

Today s antivirus programs are constantly improving. A good, modern antivirus program will frequently update itself to keep one step ahead of the latest threats. It will take a proactive approach to virus protection by identifying threats long before they can infect the user s PC, and may include extra features like firewalls to put another line of defense between you and a hacker.

As software technology advances, it has become more and more common to see antivirus programs run silently in the background of your PC. Instead of flooding the user with pop-ups and notifications, many people prefer antivirus programs that quietly go about their job. In many cases, this setting is completely customizable, and users can easily adjust their program in whatever way they see fit.

With so many features to consider, it can be difficult to know which ones will work best on your system.

To help you make an informed decision, here are some of the most important things to know before purchasing antivirus software:

Malware removal effectiveness: Obviously, the most important indicator of quality in an antivirus program is the number of malware threats it identifies and removes. Some programs can detect a lot of malware threats, but are unable to remove them, and it s important to find an antivirus tool that does both. Meanwhile, other programs will accidentally remove innocent programs that it identifies as viruses false positives, which is clearly a problem as well.

Features: Today s antivirus programs are packed with useful security features. These range from virtual keyboards which prevent keyloggers from looking at what you re typing to social media protection tools which automatically scan links on Facebook or Twitter for viruses. Before buying an antivirus program, take a look at some of the features it offers. Depending on what you use your computer for, you ll want to adjust your decision accordingly.

Updates and support: Most antivirus programs offer regular, free updates. However, some of these updates are more effective than others, and it s important to look at this before you make your purchase. Furthermore, it s important for your program to have good support – whether it is through telephone, email, or instant messaging. That way, you can easily fix your software if anything goes wrong.

Ease of use: Both novice and expert computer users will appreciate a program that is easy to use. A good antivirus program has simple menus and settings that are easy to configure. Of course, if you re not comfortable fiddling with settings, and want an antivirus program that simply works, then there are programs designed specifically for beginner PC users.

Value: Antivirus programs can cost anywhere from ten dollars to hundreds of dollars. Everybody likes to get the most bang for their buck, and it s important that you can assess the value of a program before you buy it. In general, the more expensive the antivirus program is, the more effective your virus protection will be. However, there are exceptions to that rule.

Ease of installation and setup: Some programs are difficult for beginner users to install, while others are an absolute breeze. If you re the kind of person who isn t good with computers, this is a very important feature to consider when you re reading through our antivirus software reviews.

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you can ensure that you purchase the most effective and powerful antivirus program at the best possible price. Ultimately, the goal is to make your computer as safe as possible, and by reading through our reviews, we can help you do just that.

Browse through our antivirus program rankings today to get a better idea of how to protect your computer from some of the most dangerous malware threats in the world.

Antivirus protection you can trust is necessary for every PC to guard against malware, trojans and attacks from cybercriminals. 

A good antivirus tool will prevent, disable and remove malicious programs from yourcomputer. While it won t prevent every attack, it is crucial to have such protetion to secure you laptop or PC.

The latest AV products do a much betterjob of preventing newer, unknown viruses than they did a few years ago, so it is important to update to the latest software to take advantage of the protection these products afford.

We ve taken a look at some of the best enterprise antivirus products available in 2015. Our first list is based on the results from the Dennis Technology Labs s test research, but will be updated as time goes on to include a wider range of products. 

1. Symantec Endpoint Protection

Price: 137 for six licences Small Business Edition 2015

Overview: This suite of tools covers the desktops, servers and virtualised infrastructure. Protection can be extended to mobile devices and disk encryption is also available. The suite has a single pane of glass-type dashboard and giving fine-tuned controls like the ability to monitor application behaviour.

In tests carried out by Dennis Technology Labs, Symantec scored the highest with 292 for overall protection.

Supported devices:

PCs - Windows XP, XP Embedded SP2, Vista, 7, Embedded Standard 7, 8, OS X 10.6.8

Server - Windows Server 2003/R2 SP1, Server 2008/R2 SP1, Server 2012, SBS 2003 32bit, SBS 2008 64bit, SBS 2011 64bit, Essential Business Server 2008 64bit, OS X Server 10.6.8

2. Kaspersky Small Office Security

Price: 80 for five PC licences, five Android and one server

Overview: One of the best value security suites available, the Small Office Security suite protects up to 10 PCs as well as five smartphones/tablets and one server licence. The management tools are available on a single dashboard giving administrators an easy-to-use interface.

This also offers Kaspersky s Password Manager and Safe Money tools as well as a scheduled backup option.

Kaspersky ranked second in the Dennis Technology Labs test, with an overall protection score of 274.

PCs - Windows XP Home/Professional 32bit SP3, Professional 64bit SP2, Vista SP1, 7 SP1, 8, 8.1.

Servers - Windows Server 2008 R2/Standard SP1, SBS 2008 SP2, SBS 2011 Essentials, SBS 2011 Standard SP1, Windows Server 2012 R2/Foundation/Essentials/Standard.

Mobile - Android

3. Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Standard

Price: 201 for six users, one year

Overview: This software follows the tried and tested method of installing management software on a server or administrator s PC that provides a dashboard where you can manage all devices on the network. Some admins may find the dashboard a bit dated as it requires Internet Explorer to function.

However, malware protection is good with an overall protection rating of 276 out of 300 according to our tests.

PC - Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, OS X 10.4.11.

Servers - Windows Server 2003, 2003 R2, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, Small Business Server 2003, 2003 R2, 2008 2011, Storage Server 2003, 2003 R2, 2008 2012, 2012 R2 x64, Home Server 2011, Server 2008 2008 R2, Essential Business Server 2008, Server 2012 Essentials, OS X Server 10.4.11

4. Avast Endpoint Protection Suite Plus

Price: 144.95 for five licences per year

Overview: Avast Endpoint Protection Suite Plus is suitable for SMBs and can scale up to large enterprises. The suite offers endpoint protection and also covers email and file servers. Admins also receive a desktop firewall, antispam and remote management and deployment through a web-based console.

Its core malware engine had an overall protection score of 271 out of 300 according to tests run by Dennis Technology Labs on its free product.

PCs - Windows XP SP2 minimum, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, OS X

Server - Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2003/2007/2010/2013, Microsoft Exchange Server 2003/2007/2010/2013

5. Sophos Anti-Virus Business review

Price: 161 for six users, one year

Overview: While Sophos still offers businesses the option of running a management console on-site, this antivirus suite ais available with a cloud-based option. Administrators can use a cloud interface to manage devices on their own network.

The console displays the real-time threat level and discovery of malware throughout the day. While the interface is slick, the protection isn t as good as rivals on the list with a rating of 228.

PCs - Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

This article was originally published on 26/1/15 and has been updated multiple times most recently on 17/4/15.

Avira Free Antivirus 2012 is free anti-malware software. Here s our Avira Free Antivirus 2012 review.

Best antivirus software 2015