Argox Os-204 Driver

argox os-204 driver

Argox OS-204DT PPLA Printer Drivers


Argox Windows Printer Drivers by Seagull True Windows printer Drivers by Seagull can be used with any true Windows program, including our BarTender.

The PLACEHOLDER  supports the features below. Use true Windows printer Drivers by Seagull to use your PLACEHOLDER printer with any Windows program.



RFID Encoding


Status Monitoring


Font Download

Two-sided Printing

Drivers with status monitoring can report printer and print job status to the Windows Spooler and other Windows applications, including BarTender.

Downloaded fonts typically print faster, because they can be rendered directly by the printer. Otherwise they have to first be rasterized by Windows and output to the printer as bitmaps.

True Windows printer Drivers by Seagull can be used with any true Windows program, including our BarTender software for label design, label printing, RFID encoding, and card printing.

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  • Argox printer drivers. ARGOX OS-204 PPLB ARGOX OS-204DT Drivers package details; Title Data; Latest version: Date changed: 5.1.12.
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